Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Did this LO for the lovely Leane over at ScrapAWhile in a photo swap that i to do these..makes you think alot harder because you are scrapping someone elses photo

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

So here's what happens.
You answer questions about yourself, then at the end of your post, tag 4 other people, leaving a message on their blog to say they've been tagged.
And also let the person who tagged you know that you've answered their questions.

So here's the questions:
Question 1: Ten years ago.......I was single but had a relationship with my DH and we were young and in love!

Question 2: Five things on todays 'to do' list:

1 Get breakie
2 Do the washing
3 Get dinner organised
4 Scrap
5 Update my blog

Question 3: Snacks I enjoy: chocolate - any sort at anytime!!

Question 4: Things I would do if I was a millionaire: Build a 5 B'Room house, holiday and invest money for childrens future.

Question 5: Places I have lived: Tumut - all my life!

and so I tag: Julie , Janine, Kathryn and Jaimie

Hope you'll play along.

Well it is official...I am now a Creative member of the 123 Challenge....if you want to find out more , look here here is my 123 July Challenge
Been doing a few bits and pieces. Had an OTP project to do for 123 Scrapbook, challenges for 123 CC Challenge , a LO for Scrap a While challenge (the great outdoors) and a few more challenges - had fun doing these - gets the mind ticking

Monday, July 7, 2008

ScrapAWhile Competition
">ScrapAWhile Competition

We are very pleased to announce our new competition "ScrapAWhile Scrappers
You've Got Talent". Based on the TV Competition "Australia You've Got Talent".
Head over to our forum to join up and find out all the details.

Great prizes on offer. New challenge every week for the next 6 weeks.

Here are some more LO which i completed over the weekend..very rushed..left some challenges till the last minute! But my minds elsewhere at the moment with my daughter Bridget...she went for a sleep we just have to wait for the results...hopefully all will be good!